Shift I +91 - 44 - 22351217 | Shift II +91 - 44 - 22351221
Accredited by NAAC with "B" Grade (Affiliated to University of Madras)


Key Objectives of ECO Club

i. To promote environmental awareness among students

ii. To spread environment education, especially in the non-formal system among students

iii. To facilitate development of education/training materials and aids in the formal education sector;

iv. To promote environment education through existing educational/scientific/research institutions;

v. To ensure training and manpower development for environment education, awareness and training;

vi. To mobilize student’s participation for preservation and conservation of environment

vii. Motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.

viii. Promote ethos of conservation of water by optimizing the use of water.

ix. Motivate students to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.

x. To develop skills of observation, experimentation, survey, recording, analysis, reasoning needed for conserving environment through activities

xi. Organise seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the school to motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean.

xii. Grow kitchen gardens, maintain vermi-composting pits, construct water harvesting structures in college, practice paper recycling etc.

Faculty members involved in this program are
Shift I
Dr.K.Anbarasi, Assistant Professor, Department of Maths.

Dr.C.Revathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry.

Dr.S.Kanimozhi, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil.

Dr.G. Lakshmi Sai,Assistant Professor, Department of Botany.

Shift II
Dr. N. Ramani, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.

Dr. R. Bargavi, Assistant Professor, Department of English.

Ms. Abinaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.

Eco Club was inaugurated by the initiative of Dr.G.Premasundari, Principal i/c in Chellammal Campus. Eco club inauguration was merged with one day conference conducted by Environmental information System Resource Partner in collaboration with Chellammal Women’s Collegeof the Pachaoyappa’s Truston “ International day for Biological Diversity- Theme – Building a shared future for all life” on 16.05.2022 in Seminar Hall. Prof.N.Munuswamy,D.Sc., Professor & Founder of Envis Centre, Department of Zoology, University of Madras inaugurated the Eco club. Dr. C.Arulvasu, Envis coordinator, Department of Zoology, University of Madras, and Scientists cum Deputy Director, Chennai snake Park were graced the conference.


Swachhta Action plan (SAP)

Swachhta(cleaniness) has been accorded the top priority in India. Swachhta is also a precious lesson that can be learnt in educational institutions as it defines student’s personalities. Teachers and students need to play the lead role in creating awareness on hygiene and hygiene practices in life to improve pure and healthy state. Based on the thoughts, the honorable Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar, Minister for HRD, Government of India adopted Mahatma Gandhi National Council of rural Education(MGNCRE) to work on tools to help higher educational institutions(HEI). Swachhta plan is introduced in HEI to follow campus hygiene parameters along with education. As a part of Swachhta action plan(SAP) a team of five faculty members was constituted from every department, for water and energy conservation, sanitation, waste management. A recognition certificate also issued by MGNCRE.

Key Objectives of the Swachhta Action Plan.

1. Provide guidance to institutions on various aspects of Swachhta for a clean and green campus through a use of Standard Operating Manual (SOP).
2. Build swachhta skills in students and ensure they take ownership of maintaining Swachh campuses.
3. Ensure Swachh campuses through use of Swachh Campus Manual.
4. Promote healthy competition between institutions to maintain swachhta ratings.
5. Develop a structured curriculum on Environmental Hygiene, Sanitation and Waste Management that is to be offered as an elective paper for UG Courses to widen the scope of job opportunities for degree students.
6. Develop a structured PG Diploma Course for universities/colleges on Waste Management and Environmental Hygiene that will lead to a skilled workforce being available to organizations involved in Swachhta.

7. Develop a structured MBA Programme on Environmental Hygiene and Social.
entrepreneurship for PG students that providing managerial workforce to the organizations involved in Swachhta.
8. Contribute to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan by building awareness in universities/colleges through celebration of various days through the year.
Faculty members involved in this program are
1. Dr. V. Kavitha, Associatet Professor and Head, Department of English
2. Dr.K.Anbarasi, Assistant Professor, Department of Maths.
3. Dr.C.Revathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry.
4. Dr.S.Kanimozhi, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil.
5. Dr.G. Lakshmi Sai,Assistant Professor, Department of Botany.