Department of Economics
❖ Department of Economics started in the year 1973
❖ Housed on the first floor (right wing) of the Munuswami Block
❖ Sanctioned students strength is 50
❖ Sanctioned strength of Staff members was 04
❖ In 1986, the sanctioned strength was increased to 100 students with two batches
❖ Sanctioned strength of staff was increased to 08
❖ Total Staff strength of Economics Department is 08, out of which 04 are Permanent Staffs and 04 are Guest Lecturers
❖ History is allied for Economics Department, one Permanent Staff is appointed for this subject which is for 2nd year students
❖ Out of 09 Staffs, All staffs are Doctorate holders are there in this department
❖ In our department, Book Bank Project is provided for the weaker sections of the students
❖ Many awards had been received by the staffs in our department.
The department teaching mission is to offer rigorous graduate degree programs with emphasis on the relationship of theory to practice and the use of state – of- the art Educational technology. It placed a particularly strong emphasis on students in cooperating independent learning experience, extensive student – professor interaction, and the maintenance of a friendly, supportive environment for all students.
The basic objective of our degree program are:
To provide our students with appropriate analytical skills to lay the groundwork for lifelong learning.
To enable our students to become policy literate and thus be more informed as citizens.
To prepare our students for successful careers as applied economists.
To prepare our undergraduate students for graduate training in economics, law and business administrate.
The mission of the department of Economics is to provide teaching for a better understanding of the Global, National and Local Economic issues that will confront our society now and in future.
Faculty Profile
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET
Designation: Assistant professor
Years of Experience: UG: 12 Years 5 Months, PG: 2 Years
Area of Specialization: Statistics, Micro Economics, Developmental Economics
3.Name: Dr. D. SASIKALA
Qualification: M.A (Tam)., M.A(Eco)., M. Phil., M. Ed., Ph.D.,
Designation: Assistant professor
Years of Experience: UG: 8 Years 5 Months
Area of Specialization: Health Economics, Developmental Economics
Qualification: M.A., M. Phil., MBA., Ph.D.,
Designation: Assistant professor
Years of Experience: UG: 17 Years
Area of Specialization: International Economics, Statistics
Name :Dr.T. Banumathi
Qualification:M.A.,M.phil., Ph.D., MBA,.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience:7 years
Area of Specialization: Rural Infrastructure in Agricultural Development
6.Name : Dr. P. Ajantha Qualification: M.A., Ph.D.,
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 4 years
Area of Specialization: Public Economics
Name: Dr. D. Sarala
Qualification: M.A., M.phil., Ph.D.,
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience:3 years
Area of Specialization: Development Economics