code of conduct
Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics for Teaching Staff in the University / Colleges
(ANNEXURE IV: Government of Tamil Nadu, Department of Education, Manuscript Series 1988, G.o.No: 1169, Dated 28th June 1988)
1. Every teacher shall, at all times, maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty. He shall be strictly honest and impartial in his official dealings.
2. Every teachers shall be present at the place of his duty during the prescribed working hours.
3. No teachers shall be absent from duty without prior permission or grant of leave except for valid reasons or unforeseen contingencies.
4. Every whole-time teacher of the College /University may be called upon to perform such duties as may be assigned to him beyond the prescribed working hours and announced holidays including Sunday without claim for additional remuneration
5. No teacher shall leave his head quarters except with the previous permission of proper authority even during leave or vacation.
6. Whenever leaving station, a teacher shall inform the Principal / Head of the Department or the Registrar, if he is himself the Head of the Department, the address where he would be available during the period of his absence from station.
7. Every teacher shall devote himself diligently to his work and utilize his time to the service of the college/University and to the cause of education and give full cooperation in all academic programmes and other activities conducive to the welfare of the student community.
8. Every teacher shall engage classes regularly and punctually and import lessons so as to maintain and strengthen standards of academic excellence. His academic duties shall include guidance and instruction to students in the form of Tutorial/Seminars/Practicals and assessment/examination./valuation work assigned to him by the College/University authorities.
9. Every teacher shall participate fully and enthusiastically in the corporate life of the College/University and shall perform any other curricular or extra-curricular work related to the College/University as may be assigned to him by the University authorities.
10. No teacher shall discriminate against any pupil on grounds of caste, creed, sect, religion, sex, nationality or language. He shall also discourage such tendencies among his colleagues and students.
11. Every teacher shall help the College/University authorities in enforcing and maintaining discipline among students.
12. No teacher shall incite students against other students, teacher or College/University authorities. This does not interfere with the right of a teacher to express his opinion on principles in seminars or other places where students are present.
13. Every teacher shall assess impartially the performance of students in tests,examinations, assignments, practicals, dissertations, theses. Etc. he should not indulge in over-making, under making or other attempts at victimization on any ground.
14. No teacher shall resort to unauthorized use of College/University resources or facilities for personal, commercial, political or other purpose not related to the College/University.
15. No teachers shall resort to threats of physical harm forcible detention, harassment or intimidation of any staff or students of the College/university with the intention of interfering with the performance of his duties.
16. No teacher shall refuse to carry out the decision of the appropriate administrative or academic bodies of the College/university.
17. No teacher shall violate the canons of intellectual honesty such as misappropriation of the writings and research findings of others.
18. No teacher shall take active part in politics, so as to cause interference in the discharge of his duties nor shall be in any manner associate himself with any movement or organization which is or tends directly or indirectly to be subversive of law and order or the interest of higher education.
19. No teacher shall without previous intimation to the College/University stand for election or accept nomination to any local body, legislature of the State or Parliament not shall be in any manner force his subordinates or students against their will for the canvassing of his election.
20. No teacher shall engage himself or participate in any demonstration or activity which is prejudicial to the sovereignty or integrity of India, the security of the State, the friendly relation with foreign Status, public order, decency or morality or which involves contempt of Court, deformation or incitement to an offence.
21. No teacher shall in any radio broadcast or in any document publish anonymously or in his own name or in the name of any other person or in any communication to the press make any statement or public utterance or express an opinion.
a. Which is in the nature of character assassination reflection on the personal life
of his superiors, or
b. Which is in the nature of criticism of individuals as distinct from policy decision. Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any statement made or view expressed by a teacher in his official capacity or in the due performance of the duties assigned to him on academic matters.
22. No teacher shall except in accordance with any general or special orders of the College/University or in the performance in good faith or duties assigned to him divulge or communicate directly or indirectly any official documents or other confidential information whatsoever to any teacher or to any other person to whom he is not authorized to divulge or communicate such document or information.
23. No teacher shall except with the previous permission of the College/university authorities, engage himself directly or indirectly in any business or private or accept any other employment.
24. Every teacher shall on his first appointment to the College/ University and thereafter individually submit a return in the prescribed form in details of movable, immovable and valuable property owned, acquired or inherited by him or held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person.
25. No teacher shall except with previous sanction of the College/University accept or permit his wife or any other member of his family to accept from any person any gift of more than grilling value. The interpretation of the term “trifling value” shall be the same as laid down in the Government Servants conduct rules.
26. No teacher shall speculate in any business nor shall be make or permit his wife or any members of his family to make any investment likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of his official duties.
27. No teacher shall lend money at interest to any person nor shall be borrow money from any person with whom he is likely to have official transactions beyond the financial
28. A teacher shall go manage his private affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency. When a teacher is found liable to arrest from debt or has recourse to insolvency or when it is found that a moiety of his salary is continuously being attended, he way be liable for disciplinary action which legal. Proceedings for insolvency shall forthwith report full facts to the college/University.
29. A teacher who gets involved in some criminal proceedings shall immediately inform the College/University irrespective of the fact whether he has been released on bail or not.
30. A teacher who is detained in Police custody whether on criminal charge or otherwise for a period of longer than forty eight hours shall not join his duty unless he gets written permission from the College/ University be deemed to have been suspended from the date on which he was taken to Police custody.
31. No teacher shall except with the previous sanction of the College/University have recourse to any Court of law or the Press for the vindication of any official act which has been the subject matter of adverse criticism or an attach of defamatory Character.
32. A teacher intending to marry a person who holds a citizenship of another foreign counter shall seek prior permission of the management of the College/University.
33. No teacher who has a wife living shall contract another marriage without first obtaining the permission of the College/University not withstanding that a subsequent marriage is permissible under the personal and religious law for the time being applicable to him.
34. Whenever a teacher wishes to put forth any claim or seeks redressal of any grievance or of any wrong done to him, he must forward his case through the proper channel.
35. No teacher shall be a signatory to any joint representation addressed to the authorized
for redressed of any grievance or any other matter.