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Accredited by NAAC with "B" Grade (Affiliated to University of Madras)

Tamil Department

PG Tamil & Research Department of Tamil

   Instituted in 1972, this was the first department to offer bachelor’s degree in Tamil and General foundation Tamil in Chellammal Women’s College. In the year 1979, master’s degree was also started. The research degree , M Phil was offered from the year 2000. Qualified staff members guide students for their doctoral degree. This is the largest department of the college in terms of student and staff strength. The sanctioned strength of students in the UG classes in 70 , 40 in the PG and 12 in M.Phil. The Ph. D programme in Tamil has been available since 2001 under the part time mode and from the year 2017 the department has also been offering Ph.D. programme in full – time mode.
   The sanctioned strength of teaching staff is 14 with presently 13 permanent professors and one temporary professor. The department library functions in an adjoining room to the Tamil department with a total number of 7000 books purchased with funds from UGC.
   Both in the master’s degree and in the bachelor’s degree, students from the department have been regularly securing the first place in the university examinations. So far 93 PG students and 57 UG students have secured university ranks . During the 22 years Since the inception of the M. Phil Programmes the dissertations of 205 students have been ‘Highly commended’ and 6 students have been awarded Ph.D degree . Presently the department has 24 candidates registered for the Ph.D. programmed under 7 Ph.D. Supervisors of the department.

Contact Information

Name: Dr. P. Vimala
Designation: Assistant Professor & Head,
Qualification: M.A.,M.Phi.,Ph.D.,(NET)
Years of experience: 16 years PG 13 years
Area of specialization: Ilakkanam,Modern literature,Sanga illakkiyam, Bhakthi illakkiyam
Email id:[email protected]

Programmes Offered

BA Tamil

MA Tamil

M.Phil Tamil

Ph.D Tamil

Faculty Profile

Name: Dr.S. Kanimozhi
Designation: Assistant Professor.
Qualification : M.A., M.phil., ph.D., NET
Experience:11 YEARS
Area of specialization : Sanga ilakkiyam, Bathi ilakkiyam, Modern literature.
Email: [email protected]

Name: Dr. P. Thenmozhi
Designation: Assistant Professor,
Qualification : M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.(SET)
Experience: U G 15 YEARS,PG 10 YEARS.
Area of specialization :Sanga ilakkiyam, Modren literature, Ilakkanam, linguistics, kappiyangal
Email : [email protected]

Name: Dr. S. Hemalatha
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.,M.Phi.,Ph.D.,(NET)
Years of experience: UG 11 years PG 10 years
Area of specialization: Modern literature,Sanga illakkiyam, Kappiyangal, Bhakthi illakkiyam
Email: [email protected]

Name: Dr. M. Ramadevi 
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification:M.A., M.phil., Ph.D., M.A(History).,M.A(Linguistics) Professor
Years of experience: 15 Years
Area of specialization: Sanga ilakkiyam, Bakthi illakkiyam,Linguistics, Grammar
Email: [email protected]

Name:Dr .S.Shyamala Gowri
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.A., M.phil., Ph.D.(NET 2007)
Experience:U G 10 YEARS PG 10 YEARS.
Area of specialization : Modern Literature,Sangam Literature,Bakthi Literature
Email: [email protected]

Name: Dr. S. Susa
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.,M.Ed., Ph.D.,(NET-JRF)
Experience: UG 11 Yrs PG 10 Yrs
Area of specialization: Modern Literature, Sangam Literature
Email id:[email protected]

Name: Dr .D A. Sirisha,
Designation: Assistant Professor,
Qualification : M.A., M.phil., ph.D.(NET 2007)
Experience : U G 17 YEARS PG 11 YEARS.
Area of specialization : Sanga ilakkiyam,Bathi ilakkiyam,
Modern literature.
Email : [email protected]

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.,M.phil.,PhD.,(NET)
Experience:UG 15 Years PG 10 years
Area of specilization: sanga illakkiam, Modern literature, kaapiyangal,Sitrilakkiam
Email:[email protected]

Name: Dr. K Bhuvaneswari
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.A., M.phil., ph.D. NET
Area of specialization: grammar, Sanga ilakkiyam,Bathi ilakkiyam, Modern literature. Kappiyangal
Email : [email protected]

Name: Dr . S. Yogeswari
Designation: Assistant Professor,
Qualification : M.A., M.phil., Ph.D., NET
Experience – 10 YEARS
Area of specialization : Sanga ilakkiyam, Bakthi illakkiyam, Grammar, Modern literature.
Email : [email protected]

Name:Dr S. Vanitha
Designation:Assistant Professor,
Qualification : M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Experience : U G 16 YEARS PG 10 YEARS.
Area of specialization:Sanga ilakkiyam,
Modren literature.
Email : [email protected]

Name:Dr. M. Roopa
Qualification : M.A., M.phil., ph.D. NET, SET
Experience : UG 17 YEARS PG 15 YEARS
Area of specialization :Sanga ilakkiyam,Bakthi ilakkiyam,Modren literature.
Kappiyangal, Sittrilakkiyam
Email : [email protected]

Name: A. Velankanni Amirtha
Designation: Assistant Professor,
Qualification : M.A.,NET,
Experience: –
Area of specialization: Linguistic, Modern literature. Kappiyangal
Email: [email protected]

Department Activities
