Sports Day Activities 2023-2024
Our college sports committee consists of Physical Directress, Students representatives from each shift with the designation as Sports and Youth affairs minister and Deputy Sports and Youth affairs Minister. This year Ms.S.Srilekha and Ms.R.Padhmajha were elected as Ministers, Ms.S.Swathi and Ms.S.Vaishnavi were elected as Deputy minister for Shift I and Shift II respectively. A four member sports committee consisting of Dr.M.Ramadevi, Asst. Prof of Tamil, Dr.G.Lakshmisai, Asst. Prof. of Botany, Dr.M.A.B. Saraswathi, Asst. Prof of History and Dr.S.Ananda Priya, Asst. Prof of Chemistry was formed in the month of December 2023 during the retirement of Dr.M.Rajakumari, Physical Directress. This sports day is being organized by this sports committee with the help of The Principal and Faculty members.
Sports and games develop sportive spirit and lay the foundation for the future. It also helps us to be active both physically and mentally. Therefore, our college curriculum gives distinct place to sports and games. Our college physical education department handles one hour extension activity for all first-year students after college hour to impart knowledge on the importance of sports activities.
I hereby present the laurels won by the students of our college in various events at different Tournaments and Athletic meets.
At the Zonal level our students have participated in the following discipline and won various places at zonal level
1. Kho-Kho second place
2. Volley ball second place
3. Kabaddi Third place
4. Table tennis, Tennis, Hockey fourth place
5. Chess 12th place
6. Badminton, Hand ball and Basket ball participated.
At the Inter Zonal level the following students were chosen in various games and have won various accolades in their respective events for our college
1. Kho-Kho –
a. M.Madhubala, I M.Com
b. S.Abhinaya, III (G)
c. K.Pushpalatha, III B.Com (G)
d. J. Priyanka, III B.Com. (G)
e. K.Prabhavathi, I B.Sc. Computer Science
f. M.Mudhumitha, I B.Com. (G)
2. Kabaddi players got selected at Inter Zonal level are
a. R.Kanchana, II B.Com. (G)
b. V.Hemalatha, I B.A. English.
c. D.Charumathi, I B.Sc. (Adv. Zoology & Bio-tech)
d. M.Megala. III B.Com. (G)
3. Volleyball players got selected at Inter Zonal level are
a. A.Theerthammal, I M.A. Tamil
b. S.Subhalakshmi, I M.Com.
c. R.Gayathri, I M.Com..
d. J.Kaviya, I B.A. English
e. M.Nivetha, III B.Com. General
4. Ball Badminton players at Inter Zonal level are
a. Keerthiga. A, III B.Com. General
b. Meenakshi, I B.Com. General
5. 5000mts Race Ms.M.Babiyola, II M.A. Tamil.
Assessing students’ skill in the inter zonal level the best players are selected to represent the Madras University team at the inter University level each year. This year the following students have excelled in their respective games and have been selected to represent Madras University
1. R.Kanchana of II year B.Com. and V.Hemalatha of I B.A. English for Kabaddi
2. M.Madhubala of I year M.Com. for Kho-kho
3. A.Teerthammal of I M.A. Tamil and s.Subhulakshmi of I M.Com for Volley ball.
Apart from the Zonal and inter Zonal Tournaments, athletes from our college have also participated and won in various prestigious open tournaments. The following are the list of open evens that our college have participated and won
1. Winners in kabaddi organized by Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University.
2. Kabaddi and Throw ball Third place organized by YMCA College Buck Memorial Tournament.
3. Hockey won fourth place in Vendar Trophy organized by SRM College.
4. Throwball Runner up organized by Saveetha College.
5. Our Volley ball team participated and won fourth place at various colleges such as JBAS college, MOP Vaishnay college, Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University.
To Promote sports and forster participatory spirits the college authorities organize various events every year. For the year 2023-24, the physical education department organised athletic meet on 31st August 2023 at University ground separately for shift I and II. The following events were conducted. 100 mts, 200 mts, 400 mts, 800 mts, 1500 mts, 5000 mts, shot put, Discuss, Javelin throw, Long jump, High jump, 4×100 mts relay and 4×400 mts relay.
1. The overall Championship was bagged by from Shift Commerce Department I with a grand total of 228 points.
2. The second place was secured by the Department of English with 167 points.
3. The Third place goes to the Department of Tamil with a total of 165 points.
In Shift II
1. The overall championship was bagged by B.Com. General department with 235 points.
2. The Second place was won by B.Com. (Corporate Secretaryship) department with a total of 194 points.
3. The Third Place was won by B.Com. (Accounting and Finanace) with a total of 159 points.
Individual Championship was won by Ms.P.Prithiya of I B.A. Tamil in Shift I and S.Sandhiya of I BBA in shift II.
Best outgoing student goes to Ms.M.Megala of III B.Com. General.
Here are a few achievements of Ms.M.Megala for being selected as best out-going student. She is an outstanding Kabaddi player and has brought many laurels to our college.
• Her presence in our college team has bagged first prize in Interzone kabaddi tournament.
• She was selected in Madras University team and got first prize in inter-university tournament.
• First place in Tamilnadu sports university inter college state tournament.
• Senior district Championship – first place
• Got selected in Chennai district level team.
• YMCA Buck tournament third place.
Best Player of this year in Shift II goes to Ms. M. MADHUBALA, I M.Com. Madhumala is a kho-kho player with many achievements in her game.
• She secured first place to her team in zonal level and got selected to inter-zonal match during last academic year.
• Under her captainship our college bagged runner-up at zonal level during January 2023 and she got selected to University of Madras team.
• She was one among the State kho-Kho team.
• Under her captainship our college got second runner-up at state level JABS College tournament.
I would like to highlight the achievement of one more student Ms.M.Babiyola, of II M.A. Tamil, especially for her interest towards creating awareness among public about various existing issues with her game “Marathon”.
• She participated in 5000mts Marathon organised by District Administration, Chengalpet an awareness on “meandum Majapai” and won third place with Rs.1000 cash prize
• She won fifth place in Red Run Marathon – An Aids awareness programmed organised by Tamilnadu State Aids Control Society and won Rs. 1000 cash Prize. She was shortlisted in state level and participated in state level Red Run Marathon.
• Participated in 5000mts marathon – “Nanbargal Narpanimandram” an Awareness on Organ Donation.
• Participated in Vellum Jana-Nayaga Manadu – Champaining Awareness Marathon race and won third place
• Participated in Drug Awareness 1000mts Marathon organised by International Association of Lions Club and won 5th Place and Run Youth Run – say no to drug marathon organised by Loyala Academy.
• Participated in World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 7000mts marathon organised by Directorate General of Lighthouses and Lightships.
• Participated in ‘I’M safe’ women’s Safety App – an awareness on Women empowerment and won 5th place.
• Participated in 1st Khelo India Women’s Athletic League Championship 2023 organised by Tamilnadu Athletic association.
• Participated in A.L.Muthaliar State meet – 21km half marathon race and won fourth place and eighth place in 5000mts.
• Participated in A zone 5000mts race and won fourth place.
My heartfelt congratulations to all the participants and prize winners for this year. Your team work is the only reason for today’s event. On behalf of the sports committee I sincerely thank our Principal Dr.V.Malarvizhi mam for giving us this opportunity to organised this 53rd Annual Sports Day. Thank you one and all.