Shift I +91 - 44 - 22351217 | Shift II +91 - 44 - 22351221
Accredited by NAAC with "B" Grade (Affiliated to University of Madras)

Sports Day 2022-2023


REPORT 2022-2023


Dr.M.Raja Kumari

  • Well a lot of parallels can be drawn between sports and life. Sport is a metaphor for life , more often than not ; the situation one faces in game or on the field have plenty in common with life situations like ambition , competition, perseverance , team work, attitude etc.
  • Sports is not just fun and play. But we get to learn valuable life lessons from it that helps in laying a strong foundation on which a successful life is built.

On this note I would like to announce the various participations and achievements of our college sports team and athletes in this  academic year.