The Placement cell which was started in the year 2007 effectively bridges the gap between opportunities available in the corporate and industrial sectors and eligibility of the students. Ably guided by Dr.B.Radhika and the placement officers, the final year students of the college are exposed to counselling various skill based workshops and career fairs conducted in the college by IBM, NSIC, NIIT, SUNNET, LEMUR etc.. Campus recruitments were conducted by SUTHERLAND, TCS, CAP GEMINI, and a fair number of our students got placed in various positions of these companies. N-Trust Info-tech, Andromeda BPO and AB Insurance, Ripe academy conducted 5 days workshop for all our final year Students. Reddington academy also gave training in personality development and Soft-Skills to our students in four batches.This year students were selected by these companies.
Placement Report (2022 – 2023)
The Ultimate aim of our College Placement Cell is to provide a unique platform for the job aspirants to get placed in various positions. In a substantial way, Career Counselling, Industrial Visit, Mock Interviews, Workshops and Training Programmes are conducted to assist the students in the development of soft skills and communication ability, to challenge and get rid of the fear of Interviews and competitive tests, to facilitate the students to grab the technical inputs shared by the experts and to help them to identify their talents and understand how equipped they are to become the qualified professionals before they finish their dream Degrees.
“Mega Job Fairs” were also organized for the benefit of the students as the process cut down the time for the companies to choose the students according to their requirement.
A few of 2022-23 activities are as follows:
- Shine Bright Company conducted anonline Orientation programme for the Final year students on 12th ,16th ,and 19th of September Among135 students, 45 students had been shortlisted. Finally, 17 students had completed the 45 days of training.
- Redington in association with Kalvi Trust conducted a pre assessment test for the Competitive Exam training programme on 14th September 2022. Among100 students, 70 students were selected for the training.
- As a part of Barclays CSR activity, i4change Company conducted a Job Fair for allthe final year students of shift I. IIFL Samantha Micro Finance and Eureka Forbes Ltd interviewed the students and provided offer letters for 378 students on 28th September 2022.
- Kings IAS Academy conducted a Career guidance programme on “Howto prepare for UPSC Civil Service exam” for 350 students of both Shift I and Shift II on 20th October 2022. Mr. Boominathan Muthuramu, Chairman & Managing Director of Kings IAS Academy addressed the students. A student from the shift I, Department of Zoology was selected for the free coaching class as she is an IAS aspirant and interacted admirably with the chairman. From Shift II, two students have joined in the coaching class as well.
- EduBright company conducted a Career Guidance & Skill training programme for Dep of A&Fand Dept. of B.Sc Computer science (shift II) students on 19th October2022.
- Tech Diva Foundation conducted “All Girls Hackathon” on 4th December 2022, at Anna centenary Library ,Chennai. 246 Students of Shift I & Shift II participated in the programme. Many girls had been shortlisted for the Free Tech Professional Educatio In the final round, two girls from the Dept. of English had been selected and pursuing the Course.
- TITAN leap in association with Naandi Foundation conducted the online Orientation programmes on 9th December 2020 and on 3rd January 2023. From Shift I and Shift II, 250 Students are attending the training. Most of the girls had been shortlisted by various companies till date.
- Youth Seva and Quest Alliance jointly organized an Orientation programme for the second year students on 4th February,2023. More than 250 students participated, among them 60 interested students joined the training programme which happens at Seminar Hall every Friday since March 2023. Mr. Gokul and Ms. Dharani are the Trainers.
- The Placement cell & Rotaract of CWC jointly organized a Career Guidance programme on “What is Staff Selection Commission, its functions and Importance”on 7th February at 9.15 am for all the Shift I students and at 2.00pm for the Shift II Students. From SSC Max, Ms. Dhana B Natchya, Chief Coordinator and Mr. Kalaiselvan, DAO Indian Audit and Accounts Department Chief Mentor addressed the Students.
- Hindustan Unilever team from Rexona Confidence Academy created a Health Awareness programme on ” Health & Hygiene” and distributed Rexona deodorant kit on 7th February, 2023 at 10.15 am and at 3.00 pm for all the Shift I and Shift II Students.
- The Magic Bus Foundation of Velachery Branch conducted an Orientation program for Shift II Students on 7th February 2023. 54 students have taken up the training at Velachery .
- The Placement cell & Rotaract of CWC jointly coordinated to perform Cultural Programmes and to display 108+ projects of the students in the Education stall of 46th All India Tourism and Trade Fair of Tamilnadu, Chennai, Island Grounds on 8th,9th and 10th of February, 2023.
- Tamilnadu Skill Development Corporation and Placement Cell conducted a Career Guidance Programme on “Multitasking -Employment Opportunity” on 13th February, 2023. Mr.Venkatesh, District Employment Officer Guindy addressed the shift-II students.
- Thedal Organization conducted an Online Screening Test for the students of Maths and Finance background on 21st February 2023. Among 250 students, 45 students got shortlisted for the Second round of Interview by the Congruent Solutions Private Limited, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Guindy.
- The Magic Bus Foundation of Saidapet Branch completed the 45 days training and conducted the Interview on 27th February 2023. Out of 69 students, 67 students had got selected by Thinksynq Company, Star Health and Reliance Pvt.Ltd.
- Asgardia Foundation organized a Mega Job Fair to all the final year students of Shift I and Shift II on 9th March 2023. Almost 20+ companies conducted the intervie.
NAZ HR – 59
CIEL – 75
SITEL – 30
TOTAL = 726
Placement photos of the yr 22-23
Placement cell Activities ( from 2007 – 2013 )
27.12.2007.Seminar on ‘Career opportunities in Banking industry by Indian Institute of banking and finance.
19.12.2007 ABN Amro recruited 25 Students.
28.12.2007-Indian Institute of Job oriented training conducted a seminar on quality jobs.
Sunnett -conducted free coaching classes for SC students for 45days-60student attended the course.
NIIT organized free coaching classes for 66 SC students for 45days.
5.2.2009-Aptitude test was conducted byTechocraft.
23.7.2009-solaris commenced free coaching classes for 45 days 234 students attended NIIT-Free soft skill coaching classes conducted for 180 SC Students.
10th,11th and 12th December 2009-Phycological Training conducted by Mrs.Inba
Eclaire computer education scholarship given to 20 students.
11.12.2010-18.2.2010-Bajaj Alliance campus interview-15 students were selected.
Indian Infoline-selected 80 students for telemarketing Executive position
NSIC-Conducted free coaching classes for 50 students
ICICI prudential Insurance conducted IRDA Certification course for 105 students in batches from 10th December 2010.
14th December2010-ICWA with Ministry of corporate affairs conducted a financial
Awareness program.
10.1.2011-Lemur orientation course on Interviev skills.
15.12.2010.-Ajuba-conducted Interview and 119 students were selected for second round.
27.1.2011 Preplacement training was done by HCL.
4th & 5th Feb 2011 – Lemur conducted two days workshops on personality development.
18.2.2011 HCL conducted aptitude test.
28.2.2011-HCL conducted voice assessment and 32 students were selected.
3.3.2011-Infosys conducted the interview and selected 8 students.
9.3.2011-Dell conducted the interview and selected 8 students.
10.3.2011-Sutherland conducted the interview and selected 6 students .
12.03.2011 – Hinduja solutions conducted interview and short listed 160 students.
18th and 19th March2011-Bajaj Alliance shortlisted 104 students.
11th July 2011 – IAS coaching academy conducted seminars.
23.9.2011-Dell conducted the interview and selected 6 students.
30.09.2011 – HCL Orientation
NSIC – Conducted free computer skill coaching courses for 102 students.
20.01.2011 – HCL Voice assessment.
21.01.2011 – Workshop Todays Youth Tomorrow’s entrepreneurs – NSIC
12.12.11 – HCL Voice assessment.
06.01.2012 – 120 students were selected for Lakshayam programme by HCL.
18.02.2012 – IBM Conducted free coaching course for 148 SC students in five consecutive Saturdays.
10th & 15th Dec 2012 – NSIC had organized for entrepreneurship orientation programme and 900 students attended the programme.
30.11.12 – Tally, DTP free courses started by NSIC.
ATDC, GOI, orientation for SC, ST students offering them free coaching on fashion technology.
08.02.2013 – Employment exchange had conducted an exhibition on job opportunities and a workshop was also arranged by employment exchange.
14.02.2013 – Pon Vidyasharm group of schools conducted interview and selected 45 students for the II round.
05.03.2013 – Bajaj allianze short listed 9 students
14.03.2013 – Net ambit selected 47 students.
14.03.2013 – The Leisure Pvt Ltd selected 31 students.
Placement Activities
- TCS conducted a campus drive and selected 9 students.
- A campus drive was conducted by HCL Technologies in which 10 students were selected.
- Global Talent Track Pvt Ltd conducted a campus drive and 11 students were selected.
- A campus drive was conducted by Aspire India in which 5 students were selected.
- A seminar on skills to clear competitive exams like UPSC, TNPSC was conducted by King Makers IAS Academy.
Placement Activities
- A seminar on Job Opportunities was conducted by Life Insurance Organisation.
- A seminar on Human Development and Self employment was conducted by INDIA Trust for UG students where 77 girls had attended the programme.
- GIGA VISTAS organized coaching classes on ‘’Information, Communication and Personality Development’’ for 15 days.
- GIGA VISTAS also organized a Soft skill and Group Discussion Training course for day and evening college students.
- A seminar on Financial Management was organized for final year students.
- A campus drive was conducted by TCS and selected 20 students.
- Sutherland Global Services conducted a campus drive on 28/11/2014 and selected 8 students.
- Capgemini Services Pvt Ltd conducted a campus drive and selected 7 students.
- N Trust Pvt Ltd conducted 70 hours of training programme and selected 3 students.
- HDB Financial Services Ltd conducted a campus drive and selected 23 students.
- I Skill solutions conducted a seminar on 03/12/2014 and selected 2 students.
Placement Activities
- Global adjustments conducted a work shop for final year students from 26/01/2016 to 30/01/2016. 35 students attended. The workshop focused on enhancing physical intellectual, emotional and social intelligence for a successful career and happy life. Students learnt the art of leadership, confidence in communication, entrepreneurship and much more from the foundation faculty and several IND leaders.
- Redington foundation conducted a soft skill training to our students. Their training focused on areas like personality development, communication skills, computing skills, career counselling , resume writing, interview skills and personal grooming. 36 students were trained in I batch and 21 students were trained in II batch. They gave training for 120 hours spanning 10 weeks.
- Saveetha engineering college conducted a two day workshop for all the final year students (Shift I &II ) on soft skill development. The workshop was conducted on 04/02/2016 and 05/02/2016 at our premises by well qualified trainers who had two decades of experience.
Placement Report for 2015-2016
Sl. No | Name of the Company | No. of students placed |
1 | Sutherland Global services | 20 |
2. | Just Dial | 28 |
3. | TATA Consultancy Services | 20 |
4. | Seyon Global Servics | 207 |
5. | HDB Financial services | 55 |
6. | Vertex Solutions | 162 |
Total | 492 |
Placement scholarship
- Redington foundation for CSR activity gave SAHYOG Awards carrying a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 each to 9 of our student in shift II. They selected students who had very good academic performance and from a humble background.
- Following students were awarded the “SAHYOG” Scholarship.
Sl. No | Name of the Students | Department |
1. | T. Krishnakumari | B.Com |
2. | R. Arunmozhi | B.Com |
3. | E. Indhumathi | B.Com |
4. | B. TamizhiAzhagi | B.Com |
5. | R. SanchanaSree | B.Sc Comp. Sci |
6. | V. Pooja | B.Sc Comp. Sci |
7. | S. Anu | B.ScMaths |
8. | J. Vinodhini | B.ScMaths |
9. | M. Priya | B.Com |
Placement Activities
- Redington Academy conducted a batch on soft skill training for 120 hours in their premises and 30 students from both shift I and shift II attended it. It was held during summer.
- Ripe Academy conducted a workshop cum training for 30 hours for all the final year students of shift I and shift II. It was conducted in 3 batches I batch was conducted from 4th Aug to 13th Aug 2016 and was attended by 235 students. II batch was conducted from 18th Aug to 27th Aug and was attended by 145 students. III batch was conducted from 2nd Sep to 8th Sep and was attended by 330 students.
- Rexona Academy conducted a one hour workshop on 03/08/2016 to all the final year students of shift I and shift II. The workshop focussed on the importance of grooming and confidence building.
- Global Adjustments Foundation conducted a one hour workshop for all the I year students of shift I and shift II on confidence building and grooming on 11/08/2016. Again on 18/08/2016 they conducted another one hour workshop on the topic ‘’Managing relationships’’ which is very essential for the teenage students who are fresh out of school. In the society they need to learn about managing relationships. This was also attended by all the I year students of shift I and shift II.
- N Trust Infotech conducted a campus drive for all final year students who got above 60%, 170 students attended the drive. There was a written test followed by face to face interview. 11 students were selected in all and offer letters were issued to them.
Shift I | Name | Department |
S.Sowmiya | B.A Eng | |
M.Aishwarya | B.A Eng | |
E.Kalpana | B.A Eng | |
W.NancyPrarthana | B.A Eng | |
G.Revathy | B.Com | |
C.Nanthini | B.Com | |
V.Sandhiya | B.Com | |
Aysha.M.Ishak | B.Com | |
P.Gomathy | B.ScChem | |
Shift II | A.K. Sornalakshmi | B.Sc Maths |
N.Priyanka | B.Com (Gen) |
- Capgemini conducted a campus drive on 13/10/2016 for B.Com and B.Com(CS) students who got 60% and above. I round of interview was conducted in our campus and 20 girls were shortlisted. II round of online assessment test was conducted in their premises and 12 students were selected and were given offer letters.
Shift I – B.Com
- i) R.Shanmugapriya
- ii) R.Dhanalakshmi
iii) K.Sandhiya
- iv) Aysha. M. Ishak
- v) G.Gomathi
- vi) S.UmaMaheswari
vii) Vasimunisa
viii) K.Malini
Shift II – B.Com
- i) N.Priyanka
- ii) R.Deepika
iii) A.Bhavani
- iv) D,Sugashini
- Sutherland Global Services conducted a campus drive, 395 students participated and 31 students were qualified after G.D round. They appeared for telephonic interview and out of this 20 were selected for voice process and offer letters were issued to them.
- Smart Training Resources India Pvt Ltd conducted an awareness seminar on how to crack competitive exams on 10/08/2016.
- One hour workshop was conducted by career software institution pvt ltd on various computer courses offered by them;
- A seminar was held for all the final year students by the Stae Employment Exchange. District Employment Officer (DEO) of Youth EmplymentServices(YES) delivered an informative lecture on job opportunities offered by TNPSC, SSC, PSU, RRB etc.
- Andromeda BPO and AB Insurance conducted a campus drive on 31/01/2017. 15 students were selected by Andromeda BPO and 10 students were selected by AB Insurance and offer letters were issued to the 25 students on the same date.
- A seminar was conducted by Mr.Raja, Young Professional of National Career Services, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Model Career Centre at Chennai. He spoke on job opportunities in TNPSC, UPSC, SSC, RRB etc.
- Vijay TV conducted a campus drive on 15/02/2017 testing the creativity of the students. 3 students were shortlisted.
- Alcance Technologies conducted a campus drive on 23/02/2017 and selected 5 candidates.
- Redington Academy conducted a two days training programme on soft skills for evening college students and 36 students took part in it.
- Just Dial conducted a campus drive on 01/03/2017 and 8 girls were shortlisted in the I round. And in the II round of interview 2 girls were selected and offer letters were given to them.
- Reddington Academy held a function at Ramakrishna Mission students home on 28/01/2017 and gave Sahyog award for 5 deserving students from Shift II. The award carries a cheque for Rs.10,000/- each. They also distributed certificates to the 60 students who took the summer batch.
SAHYOG Scholarship Awardees
Sl.No. | Name | Department |
1) | N.Priyanka | III-B.Com |
2) | K.Lochani | III-B.Com |
3) | L.Pavithra | III-B.Com |
4) | R.Kowsalya | III-B.Com |
5) | M.Keerthiya | III-B.Com |
Sl. No | Name of the Company | No. of students placed |
1 | Sutherland Global services | 28 |
2. | Just Dial | 2 |
3. | N Trust Infotech Pvt Ltd | 11 |
4. | Capgemini | 12 |
5. | Andromeda BPO | 15 |
6. | AB Insurance | 10 |
7. | Alcance Technologies | 5 |
8. | Vijay TV | 3 |
Total | 86 |
Placement Activities
- A seminar was conducted for III B.Com students by Kalvi Higher Education and Research Institute on Tally for GST.
- A seminar was conducted by Company Secretaries of India for B.Com students to create an awareness on their Company Secretaries course. Its opportunities and challenges.
- A Orientation Course was conducted by Ripe Academy for all the I year students around 300 in number. The topic was soft skills and goal settings.
- Ripe Academy conducted a two seminar for all the final year students of shift I and II. They concentrated on effective communication skills, group discussion, mock interviews etc.
- 12 students of commerce stream were taken on a industrial visit to Barclays Bank at DLF Porur. They had a first hand experience of the working condition and ambience of the bank.
- A two hour lecture was given on Goods and Service Tax for I, II and III year commerce students.
- Global Adjustments Foundation gave a one hour talk on confidence building and grooming for the I year students.
- Visionary RCM Infotech(India) Pvt Ltd conducted a placement drive for medical transcription course for students of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology. They selected 4 students for free training and later on placement.
- I- Connect Training Solutions offered a one day Freshers Induction Programme for all the I year students of shift I and II.
- GIGA Vistas conducted a 30 hours My English Course. Nearly 40 girls from shift I and 20 girls from shift II attended the course which gave lessons on grammer and communication skills.
- CAPGEMINI conducted their campus drive for all the commerce stream strudents. Essay writing, group discussion and personal interview was done. Out of 110 students, 31 were shortlisted. They attended an online assessment test in their office premises. 17 girls cleared the online assessment test and they are qualified for the final interview.
- Reddington Academy for CSR activity gave Sahyog Scholarship for 10 students on merit cum means basis. A total of Rs. 65,000/- was given to the 10 students of shift II. They also conferred “Best Teacher Award” to one of our teacher Dr.B.Radhika of commerce department for her exemplary service in the field of education.
- Heartfulness Organisation conducted a 3 hour workshop for all the students of shift-I. They taught relaxation technique, meditation technique, introspection technique and rejuvenation technique. These techniques if practised would enhance communication skills, leadership skills, memory and prepare them to face challenges in life.
- Reddington Academy for CSR activity as per a MOU signed with their classes in our college premises. They train the students in communication skills, personality development, computing skills, training in aptitude and reasoning tests etc. They also give mock interview training. It is a 70-80 hour programme. Nearly 150 students of shift I and shift II ave enrolled and are undergoing training.
- Sutherland Global Services conducted a campus drive for voice and non voice process. They had a written test and a telephonic interview. 8 students were selected for voice process and offer letters were issued to them.
List of selected candidates for Capegemini:
- Jayalakshmi
- Martina
- Soundarya
- Chandrakala
- Lavanya
- Keerthana Devi
- Ashtalakshmi
- AburaZunetha
- Bhuvaneswari
- Maheswari
- V.Gnaneswari
- Priya
- Kavitha
- Divya
- Margatha Devi
- Sabitha
List of selected candidates for Sutherland-Voice Process:
- Rajalakshmi
- Tamilarasi
- Aishwarya
- Sowjanya
- Chandralekha
- Jayalakshmi
Placement of outgoing students during the last five years.
Year | No.of students placed | Name of the employer with contact details | Package received | Program graduated from |
2012-13 | 214 | (i)PonVidhyasharam Group of Schools-45, Sapthagiri Nagar, Opp. ARS Garden, Behind SaravanaBhavan, Arcot Road, Valsaravakkam, Chennai – 600 087. Phone No.: 9360407070, 9345205050. (ii)Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd – 91, GE Plaza, Airport Road, Yerawada, Pune – 411 006 Ph no.:020 66026666. (iii)NET Ambit Infosource& E-Services Pvt Ltd – 47, No. 141, Prakash Towers Ground Floor, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai – 600041. Ph No.: 9841421120. (iv)Leisure Pvt Ltd -31 (Old No.5) 7, East Spur Tank Road, Chetpet, Chennai – 600 031. Ph No.::+ 91 44 4356 3727, 4269 6011 | 1.5-1.8 Lakhs | B.Com B.A English B.Com(CS) B.Sc Chemistry B.Sc Computer Science B.Sc Maths |
2013-14 | 35 | (i)TATA Consultancy Services –9 C.Ranjith, HR Shared Services, 9th floor, MangalJvith Estate, Spencer769, Anna Salai-600 017. (ii) HCL Technologies – 10, No 602/3 Elcot Economic Zone, Medavakkam High Road, Sholinganallur, Chennai – 600119. Ph No.: 044 66429099 (iii) Global Talent Track Pvt Ltd – 11, No 51/73, Fathima Tower, Nelson Manickam Rd, ThiruvalluvarPuram, Choolaimedu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600094. Phone: 044 4260 1096 (iv) Aspire India – 5, Old No.4, New No.7, II Trust Link Road, Mandaveli, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600028. Ph No.:044 6740 4000 | 1.5-1.8 Lakhs | B.Com B.A English B.Com(CS) B.Sc Chemistry B.Sc Computer Science B.Sc Maths |
2014-15 | 63 | (i)TATA Consultancy Services – 20 C.Ranjith, HR Shared Services, 9th floor, MangalJvith Estate, Spencer769, Anna Salai-600 017. (ii) Sutherland Global Services – 8 Chandrasekar, Sr.Manager, HR, Velachery. (iii) Capgemini Business Services India Ltd – 7 Prestige Cybertech Park, Capgemini India Pvt Ltd, 117, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, OMR, Karapakkam, Chennai- 600 096. (iv)N Trust Infotech Pvt Ltd – 3 Sixth Floor, Raheja Towers, No:177, Anna Salai, Mt Road, Chennai-600 002. (v)HDB Financial Services Ltd – 23, MNO Complex, Greams Road, Thousand Lights, Chennai, Tamil Nadu- 600 006. Ph No.:044 6663 4000. (vi) I skill solutions – 2, 35, Lakshmi Narayana St, Ramakrishnapuram, West Mambalam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 033. Ph No.: 090877 38811 | 1.5-1.8 Lakhs | B.Com B.A English B.Com(CS) B.Sc Chemistry B.Sc Computer Science B.Sc Maths |
2015-16 | 467 | (i)TATA Consultancy Services -20 C.Ranjith, HR Shared Services, 9th floor, MangalJvith Estate, Spencer769, Anna Salai-600 017. (ii) Sutherland Global Services – 9 Chandrasekar, Sr.Manager, HR, Velachery. (iii) Just Dial – 14 Mr. Vinay Kurella, HRD, Chennai. Ph No.: 9941204219 (iv) Seyon Global Services – 207, # 1/1, Nandambakkam, 2nd Floor Mount.Poonamalle Road Chennai-600089. Ph No.: 9042018234/8754406106 (v) HDB Financial Services Ltd- 55, MNO Complex, Greams Road, Thousand Lights, Chennai, Tamil Nadu- 600 006. Ph No.: 044 6663 4000. (vi) Vertex Solutions – 162, 144, Anna Salai, Chintadripet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002. Ph No.: +91 9840754935 | 1.5-1.8 Lakhs | B.Com B.A English B.Com(CS) B.Sc Chemistry B.Sc Computer Science B.Sc Maths |
2016-17 | 86 | (i) N Trust Infotech Pvt Ltd – 11 Sixth Floor, Raheja Towers, No:177, Anna Salai, Mt Road, Chennai-600 002. (ii) Capgemini Business Services India Ltd – 12 Prestige Cybertech Park, Capgemini India Pvt Ltd, 117, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, OMR, Karapakkam, Chennai- 600 096. (iii) Sutherland Global Services – 28, Chandrasekar, Sr. Manager, HR, Velachery. (iv) Andromeda BPO Pvt Ltd – 15, #3,4th Floor, Rown Court, Old No.34, New no128,Cathedral Road, gopalapuram, Chennai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600086. Phone: 044 4205 7005. (v) AB Insurance – 10, 2580, KamarajSalai, Edaima Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600068. Ph No.: 098848 87136. (vi) Alcance Technologies – 5, Paul Godwin. R, HR-Sr Executive, 22/6, Poes Road, II Street, Teynampet, Chennai- 18. (vii) Just Dial – 2, Mr. Vinay Kurella, HRD, Chennai. Ph No.: 9941204219 (viii) Vijay tv – 3 | 1.5-1.8 Lakhs | B.Com B.A English B.Com(CS) B.Sc Chemistry B.Sc Computer Science B.Sc Maths |