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Accredited by NAAC with "B" Grade (Affiliated to University of Madras)
Archives: Events
Sports Day
It gives me immense pleasure in presenting the 52 nd Annual sports report for the academic year 2022-2023
Join EventGraduation Day
Chellammal Women’s College, Guindy, Chennai-32, under Pachaiyappa’s Trust board, held its graduation ceremony on 01.04.2023 and 03.04.2023 on two
Join EventAnnual day 2023
The 52nd Annual day of Chellammal Women’s College, Guindy, Chennai-32, under Pachaiyappa’s Trust board, was held in a grand manner on 05.04.2023. The
Date: April 5, 2023
Join EventMuthamizh Vizha 2023
Muthamizh vizha, a celebration of Iyal, Isai, Natakam components of Tamil Literature is conducted every year, providing feasts for the intellect eyes
Date: January 27, 2023
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